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  • Writer's pictureSamuel Fernandez

Deadline extension for filing of sworn declaration concerning accounting records.

Panama. The deadline for filing of the sworn declaration by Resident Agents concerning accounting records for certain legal entities has been extended.

By means of the Resolution no. 201-9150 of December 15, 2022, the General Directorate of Revenue, the authority that executes the function of collecting taxes, contributions and income in favor of the National Treasury, combating tax evasion and interpreting tax laws in Panama, extended until 15 July, 2023 the deadline for Resident Agents to submit to this authority the declaration stating that the agent has received the originals or copies of the accounting records and supporting documents of certain legal entities.

This extension is solely given over the obligation of the Resident Agent to meet this first filing with the General Directorate of Revenue and does not technically represent an extension or grace period for the legal entities to deliver their accounting records to their agents. However, it is understood that this extension may grant some space for such legal entities and their agents to comply with the obligation.

Our recommendation: Do not wait until the last moment to comply. Please contact us using the link below in case you would like to clarify any doubts you may have in regard to this matter.


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