Terms of Use and Privacy Statement
Terms of Use
No legal advice intended: The information provided on this website does not constitute, and is not intended to constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. The information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information, and we strongly recommend that you consult an attorney for appropriate advice regarding any specific legal matter.
No attorney-client relationship: Neither the information on this website nor your use of it to contact Lex Innova Law Office and/or any of its affiliates or attorneys creates an attorney-client relationship. To establish a business relationship with Lex Innova Law Office, you must comply with our Know Your Client (KYC) policies and/or client acceptance process.
Tax advice notice: Lex Innova Law Office, its affiliates, partners, and associates can only provide tax advice in jurisdictions where they are authorized to act as attorneys. Therefore, any information on this website referencing taxes should not be construed or given as tax advice. Clients from other countries should always consult their respective local tax advisors before entering into any transactions.
Copyright and trademarks: The copyright on this website and all materials contained herein is owned or licensed by Lex Innova Law Office and its affiliates. The website, in whole or in part, may not be copied or reproduced without the prior written consent of Lex Innova Law Office and/or any of its affiliates. To obtain such consent, please contact our main office in Panama using the details provided in the contact section of this website. We will enforce any misuse of our copyrights and trademarks.
No guarantee of results: Any practice summary and/or individual attorney biography on this website describes outcomes achieved in matters handled for clients of Lex Innova Law Office. These descriptions are intended solely to provide information about the activities and experience of our attorneys and are not intended to guarantee that the same or similar outcomes can be achieved in your case. The outcome of any particular matter depends on various factors, including the specific factual and legal circumstances, the opposing attorney’s abilities, and often unexpected developments outside the control of any client or attorney.
Confidentiality of communications: Lex Innova Law Office and/or any of its affiliates do not guarantee the confidentiality of communications sent by email or through its website or left in voicemail messages on firm telephones. Unsolicited information and material may not be treated as confidential and will not be protected by any attorney-client privilege. Communications to Lex Innova Law Office through this website, email, fax, or by any other means will not create an attorney-client relationship between you and our firm if one does not already exist. Do not send any privileged or confidential information to the firm through the website.
Client acceptance: Becoming a client: The principle of sound business governance requires Lex Innova Law Office to adhere to internationally accepted standards on client due diligence when accepting new clients. Before accepting new clients, we require information about their identity, financial background, and activities. Laws and professional bodies to which we belong require us to ascertain and record the details of our clients and, where different, the ultimate beneficial owner for whom we are acting professionally. To assist our clients, Lex Innova Law Office provides prescribed forms that cover the confirmations required by law.
The information on this website is believed to be correct but cannot be guaranteed. Opinions reflect our judgment and are subject to change. The information on our site is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal or tax advice.
Questions regarding this website should be directed to: info@lexinnova.net
Privacy Statement
Lex Innova Law Office does not collect or store any personal information about individuals accessing our website, except where the information is voluntarily submitted by a person interested in our services.
How and why may we collect personal data?
The following are some situations in which our firm may collect personal data:
As part of client onboarding procedures.
From information and documentation you provide from time to time, including during meetings, business conferences, etc.
When you communicate with us or when we communicate with you by phone, fax, email, or any other form of electronic communication.
When your agents, advisors, or employees of companies and intermediaries associated with you or who introduce you to us provide such information.
From publicly available sources or third parties where we need to conduct background checks on you.
As a law firm and legal services provider, we collect personal data as part of our professional activities and to serve our clients.
What information do we collect?
Personal information is any information that identifies you. At Lex Innova Law Office, we may collect information such as:
Basic personal information and data required to meet our Know Your Client and Due Diligence requirements, such as name, date of birth, residential address, passport or ID number, utility bill copy, country of tax residence, business activity, financial background, etc.
Billing information and/or contact details (office address, job title, business phone number, email address, fax number, or other related business contact information).
Public compliance and database information.
How do we use your personal information?
We use your personal information to provide you with legal advice and services and for administrative purposes, such as billing. Essentially, we will only use your personal data in connection with our ordinary professional activities.
We also use your information to comply with our obligations under the signed agreement with our clients to provide services, conduct conflict checks, and anti-money laundering searches, comply with legal obligations in the jurisdictions where we operate, defend our legal rights, and comply with court and/or administrative orders if necessary. With your permission, we may also send you information about our legal services or new developments or changes in the laws where we provide services. You may withdraw your consent at any time by notifying us at marketing@Lex Innova.net.
It is important to note that we do not share, disclose, or sell your personal information or business contact details to any third party for their marketing purposes.
With whom do we share and disclose information?
In the course of our business relationship, we may provide information to:
Our staff who use the information for reasonable business purposes to provide our services.
A third party we contract to provide administrative services to the law firm (such as computer backup services or file storage) only if the third party agrees to comply with our privacy policy and privacy laws.
Professionals working with us, such as paralegals, other attorneys, investigators, bankers, accountants, and other experts, depending on the services contracted with a particular client.
Lex Innova Law Office is a cross-border law firm and global legal services provider. Regardless of how we obtained your data, we may need to share this information within our network of offices and/or service correspondents to provide the services required by our client(s). When we share your data within our staff and offices, we also take appropriate measures to ensure the highest level of protection.
Please always note that we will and must provide your information and basic data to government authorities when such information is requested and must be disclosed by law.
Access to your personal information and data:
You may request access to the personal information we hold about you. You may also have the right to request a copy of your information to rectify or confirm the accuracy of your personal data at any time. The request must be made in writing and sent to the firm’s general email address: info@lexinnova.net
Changes to this privacy statement:
This Privacy Statement was updated on May 27, 2020.
We may revise and change our Privacy Statement from time to time to update our privacy commitment to you in accordance with privacy laws and best current practices.
For any inquiries, please contact us at info@lexinnova.net